Blockchain and Other Cutting Edge Tech

Posted on October 6th, 2016 by Editor (Emma)

Blockchain, the Distributed Ledger Technology behind Bitcoin, has attracted interest across many industries including financial services, legal, real estate, digital rights, identity management, healthcare, asset tracking, supply chain management, and the Internet of Things (IoT). A disruptive technology, it has the potential to transform the way many transactions are conducted.

Ya Can’t Risk Something This Important, Mate.

Posted on November 26th, 2014 by New Admin

“It’s not gum, that’s for sure. Looks like sports drink and it’s been here a while.” Is this the opening scene from a CSI TV show? Not quite. I had boarded the Sydney City Rail train at Central Station bound for Green Square. Morning commuters juggled their cups of coffee, newspapers and PDAs.

Engineering Education in Exotic Places

Posted on November 26th, 2014 by New Admin

I count myself as one of the lucky people for many reasons, but one of the top reasons is my work with Eogogics Inc. I travel to some fairly exotic locales as an Eogogics faculty member, and I see parts of the world many folks do not.

A “Cheap” Second Opinion

Posted on November 26th, 2014 by New Admin

The nature of much of the “training” that Eogogics does has been changing over the last twelve months. I hadn’t really noticed it until a training client brought it up. “This training session is really great”, he said. “It provides a “cheap” second opinion on a lot of our development directions.”


Posted on November 26th, 2014 by New Admin

“Why don’t you offer online classes on emerging telecom technologies, so those of us who’re too busy to travel to public classes can keep up with the industry?” asked a fellow telecom exec in a recent conversation. “Aren’t there plenty of companies already offering free webinars?” I asked. “Yeah, but it’s not training. They’re all selling something: hardware, software, tools, or whatever” he countered.

20 Hot Technologies for 2012: The Indirect Evidence

Posted on November 26th, 2014 by New Admin

The F-117 Nighthawk stealth strike aircraft was a remarkable achievement: an aircraft so stealthy that its invisibility allowed adversaries to detect it. How? From indirect evidence.

Do You Support Eunuchs?

Posted on November 26th, 2014 by New Admin

Members of the press waited along with company executives and industry dignitaries for the long-anticipated unveiling of the WANG Professional Computer. The newest member of the WANG Laboratories’ computer family was a “blazing fast” MS-DOS machine boasting a 16 bit processor and up to 640 kilobytes of memory – “the most memory”, I recall Bill Gates saying – “that would ever be needed”. The date was April 5th, 1983.

Technology and Society: AI, Robots, Drones, and People

Posted on April 3rd, 2017 by Editor (Emma)

If you enjoy science fiction, as I do, you know that it’s replete with visions of worlds enabled by technology, both utopian and dystopian. A world without hunger or disease on the one hand to one reduced to a post-apocalyptic state by nuclear, biological, or cyber warfare or by a “technological singularity” (where, e.g., the…

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Technology and Society: The Changing Landscape

Posted on May 11th, 2017 by Editor (Emma)

Technology and Society: Introduction In the halcyon days of technology development, just a few decades ago, advances were greeted with enthusiasm. Everyone expected a better life from new devices: computers, microwaves, and nuclear power, to mention a few. Environmental concerns, global warming, worker displacement, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), energy conservation, and globalization were not on…


Digital Image Processing in Today’s Connected World

Posted on July 9th, 2018 by Editor (Emma)

Photography — like audio, video, telephony, and most other forms of communication — went digital many years ago.  Digital images, whether from digital cameras, the Internet, or software programs, are used in nearly every industry as well as in science and technology, medicine, education, and many other areas.  Because the images are digital, a vast…