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VoLTE (Voice over LTE) and Alternatives

LTE/EPC Network Architecture LTE architecture EPC architecture LTE node description EPC node description LTE/EPC:  Various implementations LTE Voice Traffic Implementation: Options for Fallback to Another Technology SVLTE:  Simultaneous 2G/3G Voice and 4G Data CSFB:  CS FallBack VoLTE:  Voice over LTE using IMS MSS:  Mobile Soft Switch Solution Need for MSS MSS implementation; 3GPP releases MSS…

Quality Management

Day 1 Introductory Concepts Instructor and student introductions Quality definitions Defining customer requirements and expectations Internal and external customers Typical quality challenges Class exercises Continuous Improvement Concepts Documenting nonconformances Measuring quality Quality measurement systems Quality data collection and databases Pareto analysis Acting on Pareto analysis findings Class exercises   Day 2 Statistical Considerations The normal…

Writing Successful Proposals

Introduction Types of bids Overview:  Technical, management, and cost proposals RFP production process Proposal process Proposal evaluation process Writing a proposal plan RFP Analysis RFP structure Problems with RFPs:  What to look for Formulating questions for a bidders’ briefing Writing in STOP STOP history Benefits Addressing the customer’s problem Identifying and organizing themes Theme sentence…

Innovate with TRIZ: Contradiction Analysis

Innovate with TRIZ: Contradiction Analysis   Innovate with TRIZ: Contradiction Analysis Day 1: Introductory Concepts, TRIZ, and Technical Contradictions   Introduction and Course Overview. Genrich Altshuller and his “theory of inventive problem solving”, TRIZ (Teoriza Rezhinija Izobretatalskih Zadach). Innovation Tools and Application Roadmap. The solution generation roadmap (moving between the real world and abstraction). Levels…

Project Management – Comprehensive

Project Structure Sources of Project Success and Failure Defining Project and Project Management The Project Environment Roles in the Project Project and Project Lifecycles The Importance of Business Value PM Methodologies Project Initiation Where Projects Come from: Enterprise Analysis The Business Case The Project Charter Stakeholder Identification Establishing Preliminary Scope Boundaries Defining Project and Business…

Project & Team Management

Project Structure Sources of Project Success and Failure Defining Project and Project Management The Project Environment Roles in the Project Project and Project Lifecycles The Importance of Business Value PM Methodologies Project Initiation The Project Charter Stakeholder Identification Establishing Preliminary Scope Boundaries Defining Project and Business Objectives Viewing the Project as an Investment Developing Useful…

Effective Project Management

Project Structure Defining Project and Project Management The Project Environment Sources of Project Success and Failure Project and Project Lifecycles The Importance of Business Value PM Methodologies Project Initiation The Project Charter Stakeholder Identification Establishing Preliminary Scope Boundaries Defining Project and Business Objectives Developing Useful Estimates Project Planning Defining Scope: Requirements and the WBS Developing…

SONET/SDH – Advanced

Day 1: Overview/Review of Optical Communications Systems   Basic Physical Theory Brief history of optical communications systems Principles of optics relevant to optical communications systems Key background from physics Layered Communications Architectures Why layered architectures OSI Model TCP/IP Model Functionality of each layer and physical implementations Optical Fiber Types of optical fiber Operation of optical…

Project Management

Project Structure Defining Project and Project Management The Project Environment Sources of Project Success and Failure Project and Project Lifecycles PM Methodologies The Project Charter Project Planning Stakeholder Identification Defining Scope: Requirements and the WBS Developing the Project Schedule Resource Planning Procurement Project Budget The Communication Strategy Delivering Quality Managing Project Risk Execution and Control…

Project Management Overview

Project Structure Sources of project success and failure Project vocabulary The project environment Project and product life cycle Creating value after the project Project Planning The project charter Defining scope: Requirements and the WBS Developing the project schedule Resource planning Project budget The communication strategy Quality Managing project risk Planning for business value Execution and…