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Great Beginnings!

Happy (belated) New Year! The year is off to a great start! In the past few weeks, we have published many new courses, research reports, and Knowledge Center articles.  For a quick run-down of what’s new you can visit our What’s New, Miniblogs, or Blogs pages. Check out the interactive online catalogs (Sways) of our 2017 programs as well: Wireless, General Telecommunications, EngineeringTechnical Management, and Leadership/Soft Skills.

We also have many new educational and research offerings in the works for 2017. An emerging technologies theme issue of the Eogogics Quarterly is planned for the Fall. We are working on bringing you an updated and enhanced website later in the Spring as well. Speaking of the website, if you have not been paid a visit recently, please take a moment to do so and discover all the good stuff we have recently added.

To help make the course content “real”, many of our telecommunications courses include hands-on exercises that use a combination of proprietary and third-party tools for network design, troubleshooting, optimization, and the like. A favorite, used in many of our lab classes, is Wireshark. This issue’s featured article is a good read on what Wireshark does and how it’s integrated into our classes. Enjoy the article!

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