Technology and Society
- Technology and Society: A historical overview
- Change driven by technology innovations
- Major epochs of human history and technology innovations
- Stages of technology integration into society
- Moore’s Law and its implications
- Economics basics and applications
- Major schools of economics theory
- Macro and micro economics
- Interaction of economics, ICT, and society
- Major players in the economy
- Economic/business cycles
- Changing nature of work, education, communications, and leisure due to ICT
- Productivity and ICT
- Basics of politics, public policy and regulation
- Sovereignty, jurisdiction
- National and international law
- Actors on the international stage: Nations, NGOs, cartels
- Policy and regulation applied to ICT and technology
- Interaction of policy and regulation with ICT and society
- Privacy and privacy policy in the age of the Internet and Big Data/Analytics
- Politics, consumption, and happiness
- Globalization and its impacts
- What is globalization?
- Globalization and the world economy
- Winners and losers
- Cultural impacts: Erosion of local traditions, clothing, cuisines, crafts, and languages
- Dilution of sovereignty, perception of rule by distant bureaucrats
- Populism and backlash
- Worker displacement
- Future of globalization
- Ethics and its application to technology
- Major approaches to ethics
- Ethics in the professional sphere
- Ethics in the marketplace
- Ethics in global politics, policies, and economics
- Technology and making a better world order
- Energy, climate, and technology
- Climate change as an example of an integrated society/technology problem
- Climate change: Principal issues and evidence
- Major players
- Proposed solutions/actions
- Sustainability and productivity
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
- History of IPR and present situation
- Digital rights management (DRM)
- Impact of digital technology on IPR
- Internet and the future of IPR
- Protecting IPR in the digital age
- ICT and the Internet
- Internet regulation and governance
- “Net neutrality”
- Cybercrime and cybersecurity
- Privacy concerns
- Security issues raised by IoT and related technologies
- Technology and the long-term evolution of society
- Ways in which technology will influence society
- Changing nature of work
- Disruptive technologies
- Growth of robots and automation and impact on workers and society
- Society evolution, decay, and collapse
- Technology as a means to thwart collapse
- Rare events and black swans
- Modeling the future: Problems and pitfalls
- Technology and Society: Course recap, discussion, and conclusion