Part 1: Introduction to SDN and NFV
- Course overview
- Quick review of TCP/IP essentials
- Genesis of SDN and NFV: What problem are they trying to solve?
- Software Defined Networking (SDN): Definition and discussion
- Network Functions Virtualization (NFV): Definition and discussion
- Problem of modern networks
- How SDN and/or NFV will solve the problem
- SDN benefits
- NFV benefits
- Technical challenges for SDN and NFV
- Portability
- Security
- Management
- Resilience
- Migration
Part 2: SDN in Depth
- Flavors of SDN
- Data center
- Other applications
- How SDN works
- Understanding networks in terms of planes
- Characteristics
- The controller
- SDN applications
- OpenFlow protocol
- Overview
- Basic functionality
- OpenFlow as fundamental protocol for SDN
- OpenFlow limitations
- Protocols competing with OpenFlow
- Alternative definitions of SDN
- Disadvantages of open source software for networking
- SDN via APIs
- SDN via Hypervisor
- SDN via opening up the device(s)
- Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and SDN
- SDN in the data center
- Data center definition
- Data center needs and demands
- Tunneling and path technologies in data center
- Ethernet and SDN
- Real world implementations
- SDN in WAN
- SDN cockpit
- Service provider and carrier networks
- Campus networks
- SDN and optical networks
- SDN vs P2P/Overlay networks
- Deployments of SDN
- Overview
- Google’s SDN
- SDN equipment and building a software defined network
- SDN ecosystem
- Equipment manufacturers
- White box switches, bare metal, and merchant silicon
- OpenDaylight and OpenDaylight controllers
- Other controllers marketed
- Building an SDN
Part 3: NFV in Depth
- Birth and history of NFV
- NFV and traditional network approach
- Old view of network components (appliances)
- Virtualizing appliances
- Relationship with SDN
- Application areas
- NFV and cloud
- NFV and virtualized appliances
- ETSI view of NFV
- How virtual appliances work
- Using NFV to simplify and speed up deployment of services
- NFV architectural framework
- NFV management and orchestration (MANO)
- NFV infrastructure (NFVI)
- NFV software architecture
- Enablers for NFV
- Cloud computing
- Industry standard high-volume servers
- Benefits of NFV
- Network operators
- Customers
- Technical development
- Challenges
- Group specifications
- Impact on Operations Support Systems (OSS)
- Reliability and availability
- Resiliency
- Security
- Proof of concept
- NFV and open source, standardization
- NFV industry specification group (NFV ISG)
- NFV systems
- Ciena Agility
- Intel
- Cisco Evolved Services Platform (ESP)
- Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV)
- NFV specifications
- How NFV will impact network design and performance
- SDN support of NFV
- Network design with NFV
- Performance improvements
- End user experience improvements
Part 4: Putting in all together
- Business ramifications
- SDN and everything as a service
- SDN and NFV vendors: the ecosystem
- Impact on network equipment manufacturers (NEMs)
- Impact on networking vendors
- Effect on end-users
- Future of SDN and NFV
- Standards bodies
- Evolving standards
- Novel applications
- Course wrap-up
- Course recap
- Evaluations