Day 1: Root Cause Failure Analysis
- Introductory Concepts
- Root cause failure analysis philosophy
- The four-step problem solving approach
- The importance of a priori failure cause identification
- Mast Mounted Sight group exercise
- Pareto analysis
- Vilfredo Pareto and the 80/20 concept
- Pareto analysis approaches and perspectives
- Pareto analysis data sources
- Using Pareto statistics to target root cause analysis efforts
- Identifying potential root causes
- Brainstorming
- Mind-mapping
- Ishikawa diagrams
- The 5-Whys technique and the Why staircase
- Fault tree analysis
- Why analysis
- The Why analysis approach
- Staircase graphical format
- Why analysis limitations
- Why analysis example
- Why analysis group exercise
- Blending root cause analysis approaches
- Pareto analysis
- Fault tree analysis (FTA)
- Event and causal factor analysis (ECFA)
- Barrier analysis
- Management oversight and risk tree analysis (MORT)
- Change analysis
- Critical incident technique (CIT)
- The 5-Whys technique
- Group exercise using different analyses (light bulb fails to illuminate)
- Fault tree analysis introduction
- Fault tree analysis history
- Fault tree analysis applications
- Fault tree analysis capabilities
- Fault tree analysis construction introduction
- Fault tree analysis example
- Fault tree analysis group exercise (light bulb fails to illuminate)
- Group discussion: Different analysis approach advantages and disadvantages
- Case study homework assignment: The Uranium Water Treatment System Case Study (this major case study, running throughout the course, can be replaced by a case study specific to your industry).
Day 2: Fault Tree Analysis
- Prior material review
- Case study discussion
- Fault tree analysis construction
- Fault tree gate usage and interpretation
- Relationships between logic operators and events
- Fault tree gate usage and interpretation
- Fault tree analysis example
- Fault tree analysis group exercise
- Inhibit gates
- Using inhibit functions to model probability distributions
- Inhibit gate examples
- Inhibit gate group exercise
- Fault tree analysis construction tips
- Using a point to point approach
- Navigating from the failure site
- Using a sequential approach
- State of the part events
- State of the system events
- Using fault trees to identify redundancy-defeating failure modes
- Approaches for identifying redundancy defeaters
- Existing but undetected failure events
- Case study discussion: F-16 fly-by-wire design and DC-10 engine loss
- Fault tree analysis quantification
- Quantifying top undesired events
- Failure rate sources
- Case study homework assignment: Prepare preliminary fault tree analyses for the Uranium Water Treatment System case study.
Day 3: Events and Causal Factor Analysis, Barrier Analysis, and Change Analysis
- Prior material review
- Case study discussion
- Events and causal factors analysis (ECFA)
- Events and causal factors analysis definitions
- Events, conditions, causes, and terminal events
- Verifying causal chains and event sequences
- Integrating investigation findings
- Communication during and after the investigation
- Events and causal factors analysis charts
- Assessing the safety culture from employee, management emphasis, and management practice
- The importance of quantification
- Barrier analysis
- Barrier concepts
- Identifying and selecting optimum barriers
- The hazard/barrier matrix
- Hazard effect pathways
- Failed countermeasures
- Missing countermeasures
- Sources of energy and tracing energy flows
- Sources of change
- Change-based characterizations
- Assessing countermeasure effectiveness
- Conducting the barrier analysis
- Change analysis
- The pervasive nature of change in complex endeavors
- “What’s Different” analysis
- Test and inspection data
- Material certifications
- Using flow charts for product performance and process evaluations
- Interviewing techniques for field personnel
- Customer/supplier interface issues
- Engineering design and tolerance analysis
- Other sources of change information
- Words of caution: Change and correlation to the event
- Case study discussion: CBU-87/B detonator change analysis
- Case study homework assignment: Prepare ECFA, barrier analysis, and change analysis for the Uranium Water Treatment System case study.
Day 4: MORT Analysis, Critical Incident Technique, FMA&A, and Failed Hardware Analysis
- Prior material review
- Case study discussion
- Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT) analysis
- MORT history
- General approach
- MORT diagram conventions
- MORT structure
- Provisional and assumed risks
- MORT as an investigational tool
- Integrating MORT and Barrier Analysis
- MORT analysis approach and procedures
- Critical incident techniques
- The Critical Incident Technique
- CIT history
- Definitions
- The five CIT steps
- Incident reviews
- Fact finding
- Issue identification
- Decision making
- Evaluation
- Evaluating behaviors
- Interviewing techniques
- Effective versus ineffective behaviors
- Gaining interviewee trust
- Group exercise: Interviewing operators, engineers, and others
- Using Failure Mode Assessment and Assignment (FMA&A) matrices
- Constructing the FMA&A
- Using the FMA&A to guide the root cause analysis
- Failed Hardware Analysis
- The value of failed hardware
- Evaluating failed hardware conformance
- Quality Assurance compliance assessment tools
- Basic metallurgical and electronic component evaluations
- Component failure analysis technologies, including optical microscopy, NDT methods, SEM, Composition Analysis, FTIR,
- EDAX, X-ray, N-ray, SIMS, Auger and FEA
- Crack appearance in different loading geometries, including axial, bending, torsion, direct shear, and contact loading
- Commercial failure analysis laboratories
- Evaluating leaks
- Testing to confirm failure causes
- Homework assignment: Prepare FMA&A, MORT, and CIT assessments for the Uranium Water Treatment System case study.
Day 5: DOE, Corrective Action, Reports, Procedures, Libraries, and Course Wrap-Up
- Prior material review
- Critical incident reports homework discussion
- Design of Experiments
- Basic experimental design concepts
- Hypothesis testing
- z-tests, t-tests, ANOVA
- Taguchi experiments
- Selecting test parameters
- Defining test specimen configurations
- Strategies for minimizing test risk
- Case study discussion: The Navy ARS Guillotine
- Corrective Action
- Corrective action alternatives, including design modifications, process modifications, requirements relaxation, screening, and other corrective actions
- Corrective action order of precedence
- Corrective action implementation
- Corrective action scope, including work in process, inventoried material, suppliers, and delivered equipment
- Evaluating corrective action efficacy
- Implementing corrective actions to address other hypothesized failure causes
- Group exercise
- A suggested failure analysis procedure
- Creating a “Lessons Learned” document
- Preventing future failures
- Formal briefings by the class participants (organized into several teams)
- Recap, Q/A, and evaluations