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Project Management – Comprehensive

Project Structure

  • Sources of Project Success and Failure
  • Defining Project and Project Management
  • The Project Environment
  • Roles in the Project
  • Project and Project Lifecycles
  • The Importance of Business Value
  • PM Methodologies

Project Initiation

  • Where Projects Come from: Enterprise Analysis
  • The Business Case
  • The Project Charter
  • Stakeholder Identification
  • Establishing Preliminary Scope Boundaries
  • Defining Project and Business Objectives
  • Viewing the Project as an Investment
  • Project Selection Criteria
  • Developing Useful Estimates
  • Project Flexibility

Project Planning

  • Defining Scope
  • Importance of the WBS
  • The Requirements Engagement
  • Developing Correct and Complete Requirements
  • Developing the Project Schedule
  • Resource Planning
  • Procurement and Contracts
  • Project Budget
  • Setting Project Baselines
  • The Communication Strategy
  • Defining Quality to Fit Business Value
  • Proactive Management of Threats and Opportunities

Execution and Control

  •  Monitoring Project Work
  • Delivering Useful Status Reports
  • Project Metrics and Earned Value
  • Using a Project Performance Baseline
  • Forecasting Project Outcomes
  • Taking Control of Project Change
  • Managing Project Baselines
  • Managing Stakeholders and Vendors
  • Managing the Team
  • Organizational Adoption
  • Testing Project Deliverables
  • Controlling Cost

Successful Conclusion

  • Planning and Managing Transition
  • Preparing the Customer for Delivery
  • Contract Closure
  • Administrative Closure
  • Measuring Project Success
  • Lessons Learned
  • Celebration
  • Review of Critical Success Factors


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