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Day 1: Poka-Yoke Philosophy, Approach, and Opportunities


    • Poka-Yoke History and Philosophy. The Toyota Production System. Shideo Shingo. Mistake proofing. Design and process mistake proofing overview. Zero defects quality approaches. Inspection shortfalls and the need for mistake proofing. The disadvantages of customer defect discovery.

     Case studies.

  • Types of Mistakes. Mistake categories, including forgetfulness, misunderstanding, incorrect identification, lack of experience, willful mistakes due to ignoring rules or procedures, inadvertent errors, slovenliness, lack of standardization, surprises due to unexpected operation and other factors, and intentional mistakes.

     Case study. Group exercise.

    • Types of Inspections. Inspection methods, including sampling, 100%, and statistical process control. Operator versus inspector quality responsibilities. The three types of inspection, including judgment inspection, informative inspection, and source inspection. Inspection error types and frequency of occurrence. Personnel turnover issues.

     Inspection exercise.

    • Poka-Yoke Opportunity Selection. Using Pareto and other nonconformance data base sources for prioritizing Poka-Yoke opportunities. Sales, warranty, and customer feedback. Manufacturing feedback. Using simulations. Using DFMEA and PFMEA (Design and Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) for preventive action opportunities.

     Client-specific group exercise.


Day 2: Poka-Yoke Device Design, Implementation, and Course Wrap-Up


    • Identifying and Eliminating Error Sources. Viewing errors and defects as both inevitable and capable of being eliminated. Eliminating causes at the source. Detecting errors and defects as they are made. Detecting errors and defects either immediately or before they reach the next operation. Using next workstations as Poka-Yoke points. Controlling versus preventing or eliminating causes. 5-Why analysis.

     Client-specific PFMEA and DFMEA exercises.

    • Poka-Yoke Devices. Prevention versus detection philosophies. Correcting and preventing mistakes versus making mistakes obvious. Poka-Yoke approaches, including guide pins, appropriate design margins, optical magnification, colored tags, listboxes, spell checks, counters, asymmetric and symmetric designs, error checking logic, exact parts count approaches, blinking lights and alarms, limit and proximity switches, counters, and checklists. Using the highest principle possible, considering elimination, replacement, facilitation, detection, and mitigation.

     Client-specific Poka-Yoke device design exercises.

    • Poka-Yoke Device Implementation. Viewing the next workstation as the user. Continuous flow as a Poke-Yoke tool. Training approaches. Common implementation issues. Implementation risks and risk avoidance strategies. Post-implementation effectiveness evaluation.

     Client-specific Poka-Yoke implementation exercises.

  • Course Wrap-Up. Course review. Questions and answers. Plans for future Poka-Yoke actions. Course critique.


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