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Mobile TV: Technology and Market Trends

  • Market Landscape of Mobile Television
    • Overview of the market
    • Telephony, entertainment, and new services opportunities
    • Drivers for ARPU
    • Carrier strategies
  • Technology Principles and Considerations
    • Unicast versus broadcast
    • Importance of codec selection
    • Available codecs and differences between them:
    • H.264 v1
    • H.264 v1b
    • H.264 v1.1
    • H.264 v1.2
    • H.263
    • MPEG-4
    • Spectrum utilization
    • Spectrum available for mobile television
    • Pros and cons of deployment in various bands
    • What is ERP and why does it matter
    • What is propagation and why does it matter
  • Network Architecture, Operation, and Design
    • Streaming video server
    • Policy management
    • Admission control
    • Capacity engineering, overcoming delay, jitter and maintaining proper QoS
    • Design criteria:  Tradeoff between network buffers and incremental latency versus additional capacity deployed over the air
  • Traffic Engineering Issues and Considerations
    • Impact on capacity and capacity planning
    • Blended call models and usage profiles
    • Sensitivity analysis of busy-hour QoS characteristics in capacity on a 3G network
    • Sensitivity analysis of busy-hour RF performance characteristics relative to interference on a 3G network
    • Sensitivity analysis of tradeoffs relative to blended call models on a 3G network
    • Network impacts of mobile TV versus mobile video conferencing on a 3G network
    • Network impacts of broadcast versus unicast mobile TV on a 3G network
  • Market Trends in Mobile Television
    • Third party networks
    • Impacts to UE
    • Impacts to a 3G network
    • Statistical analysis of user’s proclivity to use broadcast versus unicast with n broadcast channel options
    • Estimated inflection to ARPU
  • Contended Resource Management
    • Predictive modeling and sensitivity analysis for capacity, network, and capital planning
      • Impacts of codec selection and mix of codecs to busy hour
      • Buffer planning
      • Bandwidth dimensioning
      • Blended rich media call modeling including video
      • Traffic engineering by class of service
      • Predicting sensitivities to delay based on demand/class of service during busy hour
    • Sensitivities of services mix to network performance and quality of service
    • Impact to asset monetization driven by services mix
    • Importance of pricing and policy
    • Predictive modeling for overall user quality of experience
    • Issues over performance characterization and limitation of mixed media services in a 1xRTT/1xEV-DO environment
    • Issues over performance characterization and limitation of mixed media services in a GSM/UMTS/DPA environment
    • Impacts from Internet Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
      • Overview of policies
      • Blended call models
      • Composite services
      • Composite video services, unicast, broadcast, video conferencing
      • VoIP
      • Background traffic
      • Buffers versus latency versus capacity
      • Quality of service management
      • DiffServ
      • MPLS
      • Fixed and mobile convergence
      • Challenges of mobile IPTV on a 3G network
  • DVB-H Standards discussion
    • Frame structure
    • Physical layer
      • Signaling
      • Symbol interleaver
    • Link layer
      • Timeslicing
      • MPE-FEC
      • 4K mode & interleavers
    • DVB-H receiver structure
      • DVB-H demodulator
      • DVB-H terminal
    • IP-datacast
    • Frequencies for DVB-H
    • Satellite DVB-H (DVB-SH)
  • MediaFlow
    • Frequencies
    • System architecture
    • Transmitters
    • Content acquisition
    • Power consumption
    • Frequency and time diversity
    • Modulation layers
    • Encoding
    • OFDM modulation
    • Frame structure
    • Bandwidth requirements
    • UE impacts
    • ERP
  • Exercises
    • Calculation of capacity planning requirements and spectrum utilization for a 1xEV-DO carrier using VoIP and streaming video
  • Course Wrap-up
    • Closing thoughts on fixed/mobile convergence and the future of Mobile TV
    • Recap, Q/A, and evaluations


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