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Materials & Methods Plastics vs. Other Materials

  • Introduction to Manufacturing
    • Definition
    • DFA/DFM and Concurrent Engineering Teams
    • Mass vs. Lean Production
    • Types of Manufacturing and Production Systems
    • An Environmental Manufacturing System
  • Cost Estimating Systems
    • Cost Types and Elements
    • Cost Formulae
    • Cost Estimating Tools
    • Cost Confidence Levels
  • Tooling Methods for Plastics and Other Materials / Methods
    • Prototype vs. Production Tooling
    • Hard/Soft/Tool-less Manufacture
    • Tool Selection
  • Producibility Processes for Plastics and Other Materials / Methods
    • Process and Material Selection
    • Stamping
    • Injection Molding
    • Blow Molding
    • Die Casting
    • Extrusion and Drawing
    • Powder Metal
    • Machining
  • Material and Tool Cost Estimating for Plastics and Other Materials / Methods (“Hands-on” Exercise)
    • Tooling Decision Process
    • Tooling Strategy Selection Chart
    • Prototype Process Selection Charts
    • Production Tool Cost Estimating Charts
    • Part Cost Estimating Methods
  • Wrap-up
    • Course Recap and Q/A
    • Evaluations


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