L2 and L3 Networking Protocols: Laying the Groundwork
- Overview and Introductions
- Introduction to the Internet
- Access and Applications of IP
- The Layered Model of Networking
- LAB – Layered Model Exercise
L2 and L3 Networking Protocols: L2 Protocol Basics
- Basics of Ethernet Part 1 – Definition of Ethernet Technology, History, Ethernet Versions
- Basics of Ethernet Part 2 – Defining a LAN, Topology Options, Cabling Options
- LAB – Ethernet Topology and Cabling Exercise
- Basics of Ethernet Part 3 – Ethernet MAC Addresses, Learning
- LAB – Ethernet MAC Address Exercise
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- LAB – ARP Experiment
- Basics of Ethernet Part 4 – Understanding VLANS, 802.1Q Encapsulation, VTP Protocol
- LAB – VLAN Experiment
- Basics of Ethernet Part 5 – Spanning Tree Protocol, Gigabit Ethernet
- LAB: Spanning Tree Experiment
- Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
- LAB – CDP Lab
- Layer 2 Tunneling with L2TP
- Lab – L2TP
L2 and L3 Networking Protocols: L3 IPv4 Addressing and VPN
- Layer 3 IPv4 and Addressing
- IPv4 Multicast and NAT Operations
- LAB – IPv4 Addressing Exercise
- IPv4 Subnet Addressing
- LAB – IPv4 Subnetting exercise
- L3 Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
- LAB – VPN Examination with Wireshark
- Secure Delivery of IP Traffic with IPsec
- IPv6 Overview
- LAB – Demonstration and Examination of IPv6 with Wireshark
L2 and L3 Networking Protocols: L3 Network Control Plane Operations
- Basics of IP Routing
- Interior routing with EIGRP
- LAB – EIGRP Routing
- Exterior routing with BGP
- LAB – BGP Routing
- Troubleshooting IP Networks
- LAB – Troubleshooting IP networks