Fault Tree Analysis: Introductory Concepts.
- Fault tree analysis history, applications, purposes, and capabilities.
- Definitions.
- Fault tree analysis as a predictive tool.
- How fault tree analysis can predict the probability of an undesired
condition. - Fault tree analysis applied to complex system failures.
- Fault tree analysis, Ishikawa diagram, and FMEA comparisons.
- Related military and commercial standards.
- Case study. Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Analysis Approach.
- Defining the undesired system condition or failure condition.
- The concept of a top undesired event.
- Inductive versus deductive logic.
- Fault tree analysis symbology.
- Defining the fault tree analysis top tier.
- The concept of gates and events.
- F-16 Air Combat Fighter case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Analysis Events.
- Command events.
- The top undesiredevent.
- Basic failure events.
- Normal events.
- Human error events.
- Undeveloped events.
- Criteria for assigning undeveloped events.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Analysis Gates.
- OR gates.
- AND gates.
- INHIBIT gates.
- Exclusive OR gates.
- Sequential AND gates.
- INHIBIT conditions.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Analysis Construction.
- Relationships between logic operators and events.
- Top undesired events.
- The top tier. Developing fault tree logic.
- Fault tree tiers.
- Fault tree construction.
- Navigating through the system.
- The advantages of navigation-based fault tree construction versus listing all events on a single tier.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Advanced Fault Tree Analysis Construction.
- State of the part and state of the system considerations.
- Using state of the part considerations to identify additional events based on environmental, command, and component failure mechanisms.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Analysis Quantification.
- Probability and statistics applied to fault tree analysis.
- Failure rate and probability considerations for basic failures, normal events, human errors, undeveloped events, and inhibit conditions.
- Mean Time Between Failures, failure rates, and probability relationships.
- Operating/mission time considerations.
- Dormant versus active failure rate considerations.
- Failure rate sources.
- Environmental effects on failure rates.
- Determining event, branch, and top undesired event probability of occurrence.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Root Cause Failure Analysis.
- Fault tree applications to the root cause failure analysis process.
- Component versus system failures.
- Defining the failure.
- The root cause failure analysis approach.
- Fault tree analysis, failure mode assessment and assignment matrices, supporting analysis, and managing the failure analysis.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Redundancy Considerations.
- Using fault tree analysis to identify single point failures or other conditions that can defeat redundant circuitry and other fail-safe design approaches.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Cut Sets.
- Cut set and minimal cut set definitions.
- Identifying fault tree analysis cutsets.
- Cut set order.
- Cut set and reliability block diagram comparisons.
- Using cut sets to identify single failure points.
- Case study.
- Group activity.
Fault Tree Analysis: Fault Tree Analysis Software.
- Manually generated versus computer generated fault tree analysis.
- Computer aided fault tree analysis (CAFTA).
- Web-based software.
- Using Visio for fault tree analysis. Using Excel for quantifying fault tree analysis.
- Other available fault tree analysis software.
- Case study.
Fault Tree Analysis: Post-Fault-Tree Activities and Course Wrap-Up.
- Managing fault tree findings.
- Fault tree analysis as an engineering development risk mitigation tool.
- Course wrap up and critique.