Day 1: Defining The Problem
Manufacturing Delinquency Causes
- Inadequate capacity.
- Poor production control.
- Poor productivity.
- Procurement shortfalls.
- Poor process yields.
- Organizational ambiguity.
Key Concepts
- Capacity versus load
- Assessing capacity.
- Machine capacity.
- Labor capacity.
- Outside processing capacity.
- Supplier capacity.
- Load.
- Assessing loads.
- Lead time.
- Identifying lead time.
- Lead time discipline.
- Booking under lead time considerations.
- Capacity versus Load imbalances.
- The relationship between load, capacity, and lead time.
- Work-center-specific capacity-versus-load considerations.
- Capacity-versus-load ongoing assessments.
- Identifying bottlenecks.
- The lead time versus sales conflict.
- Standards.
- The importance of accurate standards.
- Establishing accurate standards.
- The significance of standards when bidding new work.
- Production scheduling.
- Class exercise.
Finding Capacity
- Overtime.
- Lost time considerations.
- Equipment upgrades.
- Utilization upgrades.
- Productivity upgrades.
- Reducing setup times.
- Class exercise.
Production Control
- Production control definitions.
- Planner functions and the planning process.
- Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP).
- Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP).
- The relationship between planning skills and MRP/ERP.
- Common work center scheduling problems and how to plan around them.
- Suggested metrics for monitoring planning and production control effectiveness.
- Class exercise.
Day 2: An Improvement Roadmap
Productivity Challenges
- Productivity and efficiency definitions.
- Evaluating productivity.
- Signs of poor productivity.
- Standards versus actuals.
- MRP/ERP productivity assumptions.
- Establishing standards and personal fatigue/delay factors.
- The learning curve.
- Machine utilization.
- Delay ratio analyses.
- Identifying and acting on productivity bottlenecks.
- Measuring and acting on efficiency trends.
- Visual manufacturing.
- Productivity improvement recommendations.
- Class exercise.
Supplier Challenges
- Typical supplier content.
- Fictitious issues.
- Supplier selection.
- Supplier rating systems.
- The requisition/purchase order challenge.
- Streamlining the requisition and purchase order process.
- Monitoring planner and buyer performance.
- Identifying supplier lead times, loads, and capacities.
- Purchase order due dates versus production need dates.
- Tracking unplaced purchase orders.
- Recommended corrective actions.
- Class exercise.
Process Yield Challenges
- Design robustness.
- Process robustness.
- Factoring in yield.
- Aggressive failure analysis.
- Implementing corrective actions.
- Proactive preventive actions.
- Schedule recovery actions.
Product Delivery Responsibilities
- Organizing along product versus process lines.
- Product mix issues.
- Responsibility for addressing anomalies.
- Product champions.
- Focusing delivery responsibilities.
- A suggested organizational structure.
Course Conclusion
- Wrap-up.
- A suggested delivery performance improvement roadmap.
- Course critique.