Dealing with Difficult Behavior
- Introduction
- There are no difficult individuals, only difficult behavior
- Types of and reasons for difficult behavior
- Case study: Difficult behavior
- Exercise: What we have control over and what we don’t
- Understanding What Causes Difficult Behavior
- Inventory: Diagnosing differences in personalities and approaches to work
- Communication style and decision making style differences
- Attitudes toward work: Recognizing their concerns
- Influencing the Behavior of Others
- Words that trigger resistance
- Understanding hot buttons
- Strategies that turn others around
- Practical techniques for dealing with various types of difficult behavior
- When the Sandbox Isn’t Big Enough
- Focus on business strategies
- Strategies for self-preservations
- Balancing inclusion with meeting business goals
- Wrap Up
- Review and discussion
- Developing an action plan to deal with the difficult behavior in your life