Cloud Computing Training: Evaluating, Designing, and Implementing Cloud Solutions
Cloud Computing Training Part 1: Understanding Cloud Computing
- What is Cloud Computing?
- Definition
- Characteristics: Elasticity, multi-tenant, on-demand, ubiquitous access, usage metering, self-service SLA-monitoring, etc.
- Paradigm shift represented by Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Technology providers vs. Cloud providers vs. Cloud vendors
- Enterprise Cloud drivers and adoption trends
- Typical Cloud Enterprise workloads
- Enabling technologies
- Advances in IT, telecom, Internet
- Virtualization
- Ubiquity of “thin client” devices
- Availability of broadband, WiFi, 3G/4G and (soon) 5G
- Cloud reference architectures
- Cloud deployment models
- Software as a Service (Saas)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Data/Storage or Information as a Service (DaaS or INaaS)
- Business Processes as a Service (BPaaS)
- Types of Clouds
- Private
- Community
- Public
- Hybrid
- Cloud OS types
- Why are people doing it now?
- Vendors
- Customers
- The case for and against the Cloud
- Commonly cited advantages
- Lower upfront costs; IT assets are “rented”, not owned; lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
- Reduced internal IT management and support burden
- Increased agility and faster time-to-market
- Optimal resource utilization
- Short-term commitment
- Short-notice provisioning
- Simplified procurement for some services
- More up-to-date technology without need for repeated procurements
- Better ability to absorb transient demand peaks
- Better/easier collaboration
- Better/easier remote access to key data
- Fewer programs on user devices needing maintenance/upgrading
- Optimizing business model
- Commonly cited disadvantages
- Loss of control of data
- Security/confidentiality issues
- Difficulty of changing Cloud providers
- Commonly cited advantages
- Cloud Computing economics
- Supply side
- Demand side
- Track record
- Price and value
- Cloud Computing marketplace
- Types of offerings
- Provider supplied apps and third party apps (marketplace)
- Service levels: SLAs
- Confidentiality agreements
- Service, pricing models for some major Cloud providers
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud
- Amazon AWS
- AT&T Cloud Solutions
Cloud Computing Training Part 2: Evaluating a Cloud Solution for Your Business
- Is Cloud Computing right for your business?
- Determining if Cloud use will add value for you
- How to maximize value of Clouds
- Training
- Types of users in your organization
- Changes in way applications behave
- Need to survey stakeholders
- Cost
- Staff (early adopters or resistant to change?)
- Goals
- Needs
- Resistance?
- Legacy applications
- Can you build consensus?
- Do you have to change organization culture?
- Need to show how Cloud makes doing job better, faster, easier
- Explain increased functionality available with Cloud services
- User perspective
- What’s in it for me?
- Why is Cloud better for me in my job?
- Need to work offline/without connectivity
- Planning Cloud transformations
- Suitability/feasibility assessment for your business/application
- Future state definition
- Financial/economic assessment
- Platform selection
- Roadmap layout
- Capacity planning and disaster recovery in Cloud Computing
- Scalability, performance, Quality of Service (QoS)
- Data centers for Cloud Computing
- Issues/concerns
- Concerns about peak/average hour demand
- When does moving to Cloud make sense or not make sense?
- Control
- Access
- Functionality
- Data protection
- Security and privacy
- Security basics
- Confidentiality, integrity, availability
- Privacy
- Security in networked environments
- Cloud-unique security issues
- Data sovereignty
- Cloud-unique vulnerabilities/challenges
- Where is data safest?
- Security claims/guarantees offered by providers
- Cloud security approaches: Encryption, tokenization/obfuscation
- Cloud security models and related patterns
- Cloud security in mainstream vendor solutions
- Cloud security standards
- Mainstream Cloud security offerings: Security assessment, secure Cloud architecture design
- Security basics
- How to buy Cloud services: Setting up your own Cloud environment
- Analyzing your needs
- Choosing a Cloud provider
- Matching your needs to offerings
- Architectures and implementation
- Estimating costs and savings
- Standards and protocols
- In-house or outsource: When does your own Cloud makes sense?
- Type of organization
- Unique requirements
- Size, geographic distribution
- Advantages
- Problems, pitfalls
- Transitioning to Cloud
- Planning and assessment
- Which apps to move to/use on Cloud
- What data should move to Cloud?
- Staging transition
- Verifying connectivity/access
- Dealing with problems
- Time frame
- Preparing users
- Pilot program
- Local expert training
- Training of all users
- Tech, peer, moral support
- Who are best trainers?
- Planning and assessment
- Some case studies
- Group discussion and exercise: The Cloud and your own organization
Cloud Computing Training Part 3: Cloud Computing and Other Technologies
- Cloud computing and newer technologies
- SDN and NFV
- Big Data and Analytics
- M2M and IoT
- Augmented Reality in the Cloud
- Social Media and the Cloud
- Mobile Value Added Services in the Cloud
- Cloud Computing training wrap-up: Recap and evaluation