- Introductory Overview of ATM
- What is ATM? Its chief characteristics and uses?
- Why is ATM Asynchronous if it is synchronous?
- Positioning ATM in public networking technology
- Vital and valid business reasons for using ATM
- Why not just use Fast Ethernet, MPLS, SONET or Frame Relay?
- The ATM Forum, the ITU-T, ETSI, ECMA
- The ATM Architecture
- The rationale behind ATM’s design : 5+48 bytes, etc
- B-ISDN Architectural Model. Versus OSI?
- ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) and sublayers
- ATM Service classes and QoS: A, B, C, D
- The AAL sublayers: Convergence and SAR
- AAL 1, AAL 2, AAL 3/4: Purpose and structure
- Type 5 : MPLS and Multi-Protocol Encapsulation
- What is missing or is undefined now?
- ATM Layer: Purpose, definitions, and vagueness
- Virtual Connections, Paths and Channels
- The ATM cell header: Fields and function
- ATM OAM cells, Signaling cells and channels
- ATM Physical Layer: Purpose and structure
- Transmission Convergence Sublayer
- Formats at STS-1 (51.84 Mbps), at SDH-1 (155.52 Mbps), at
- OC-1, at SDH-4 (622.08 Mbps), OC-48, OC-192, etc.
- Formats at 155.52, 100, 51 Mbps & T1 / E1
- Physical Medium Dependent Sublayer
- Three different technologies used in ATM switches
- ATM Forum’s User-Network Interface
- Its scope, purpose, bearer service attributes and QoS
- Setting up an SVC: Parameters, protocols, elements
- Q.2931, UPC, CAC, NPC, QoS, CLP
- UNI vers. 3.1/4.0/4.1, Spec’d and Unspec’d QoSs
- Specs for SONET and 44.736 Mbps at public UNI
- Specs for 100, 155.52 and 51 Mbps at private UNI
- Managing ATM Using SNMP
- Quick review of SNMP, MIB, ASN.1, BER, scope
- ATM Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI)
- The UNI Management Entity (UME)
- ATM MIB (Management Information Base)
- Can you manage ATM today with ILMI and UMEs?
- Being Realistic about ATM
- Politics of merging your voice, data and video
- AAL incompatibilities and interoperability
- Adequate compliance tests available today?
- Capability and availability of ATM test equipment
- Admission control and security
- Applying ATM in Campus LANs
- Objectives, target applications, obstacles
- Dangers: Vendor performance specs, surprises
- Campus LAN configurations and ATM
- Applying ATM in the WAN
- Objectives for implementing the ATM WAN
- Cost justification, strategies
- Obstacles that carriers and users face
- Descriptions of some operational ATM WANs
- ATM Enhancements
- Procedures for Switched Virtual Connections
- States, messages, multipoints, parameters
- For T1/E1, E3/T3 25.6, 51 and SONET/SDH
- Network Management: M1 to M5 specs
- P-NNI : Purpose, procedures, scope
- B-ICI, UNI 4.0, DXI, Frame Relay over ATM
- LAN Emulation, Classical IP over ATM, MPOA
- IP Switching, Cisco’s Tag Switching, MPLS
- ATM Traffic Management
- Six different Classes of Service: Parameters, QoS
- Available Bit Rate (ABR): Issues, techniques
- Congestion Control: Issues, technology
- Rate-based versus Credit-based
- UPC, EPD, Shaping, PPD
- ATM traffic shaping: Objectives, tools, status
- Course Wrap-up
- Quick summary review
- Issues and concerns
- Final discussions